Unfulfilled Promises: The Impact on Productivity, Confidence, and Success

Maria Skaarup
4 min readSep 14, 2023
Photo by Nate Neelson on Unsplash

Have you ever considered the profound impact that trust, particularly self-trust, has on your journey to success?

We’re diving deep into this fundamental concept, exploring how your ability to follow through on promises to yourself not only builds your confidence but also shapes your path to success.

The Foundation of Self-Trust

Before we delve into the consequences of breaking promises to ourselves, let’s talk about what self-trust really means. It’s the unshakable belief that you can count on yourself. It’s about having confidence in your ability to do what you set out to do. In our quest for a more balanced and effective approach to productivity, self-trust is the cornerstone.

The Confidence-Productivity Connection

Now, why is self-trust so crucial in our pursuit of success? Well, it’s a two-way street with confidence. When you trust yourself to accomplish a task or goal, your confidence soars. This, in turn, fuels your motivation and productivity. It’s a positive feedback loop where confidence and productivity feed off each other.

The Erosion of Confidence

But here’s where it gets interesting. What happens when you consistently break promises to yourself? When you set goals or tasks and don’t follow through, it erodes your self-trust. It’s like puncturing a tire; your confidence begins to deflate. Over time, you start doubting your abilities and intentions, leading to a self-deprecating cycle.


Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own ability to accomplish tasks and achieve goals successfully.

The concept is extensively studied by psychologists like Albert Bandura and plays a pivotal role in the ability to achieve success. In the journey towards building self-trust, self-efficacy acts as a crucial bridge. When we set out to follow through on promises to ourselves, our self-efficacy comes into play. The more we achieve, the stronger our self-efficacy becomes, which, in turn, bolsters our confidence and motivation.

It’s a cycle of positive reinforcement, where the belief in our ability to accomplish tasks transforms into a powerful catalyst for success.

By nurturing self-efficacy through the fulfillment of realistic promises, we pave the way for a more confident, productive, and ultimately successful path forward.

Promises: Realistic and Achievable

To maintain and even boost self-trust, it’s essential to make promises to yourself that are realistic and achievable. Instead of overcommitting and setting yourself up for failure, be conservative in what you promise. Remember, it’s better to accomplish a few tasks fully than to fall short just before the finish line.

Plans vs. Maybes

In our journey towards success, planning is synonymous with making promises to ourselves. When you create a plan, you’re essentially committing to completing those tasks. Your plan should consist of promises you’re confident you can keep. If you think you might have time and energy to do more, put a few “maybes” on your list as well. It’s crucial to differentiate between the two. The to-do list consists of two types of tasks: the must-dos and the maybes. Commit to finishing the must-do’s every day if the maybes get done it’s a bonus!

Adding Self-Trust to Your Toolbox

If you’ve found yourself frequently breaking promises to yourself, don’t lose heart. Building self-trust is like developing a muscle — it takes practice and starts with small steps. The key is to initiate your journey with manageable commitments. Let’s explore some examples of how to begin with small, achievable promises.

1. Start with a Simple Daily Task

Consider promising yourself to make your bed every morning for just one week. This task is small yet significant. It sets a positive tone for your day and requires minimal effort, making it an excellent choice to kickstart your self-trust journey. Making your bed is just one example, it can be anything you want, as long as it is easily achievable for you.

2. Introduce a “Must” on Your To-Do List

Incorporate a must-do task into your daily to-do list, alongside your maybe-do tasks. The must-do should be something relatively small and easily accomplishable. This makes it easier for you to achieve and helps you experience success in following through, reinforcing your self-trust. Remember, the objective is to build this vital muscle of reliability and confidence.

By starting small and setting yourself up for success, you’ll gradually strengthen your self-trust. Over time, these small promises will evolve into a robust foundation for achieving bigger goals and maintaining a high level of productivity. Embrace this journey, and watch your confidence, productivity, and self-trust flourish.

In the end, trust in ourselves is the linchpin of success. As we navigate the intricate web of our daily tasks and long-term goals, remember that trust is the glue that holds it all together. Nurture it, protect it, and let it be your guiding light in your journey toward achieving your goals without sacrificing your mental health or freedom.

So, go ahead, make promises to yourself, and follow through with unwavering determination. Watch as your self-trust grows, your confidence soars, and, your path to success becomes clearer and more attainable. You’ve got the power within you; trust it, and you’ll conquer the world.

Originally published at https://mariaskaarup.com on September 14, 2023.



Maria Skaarup

I help solopreneurs create a non-draining productivity system that’s aligned with their natural tendencies, so they don’t have to change who they are.